Fishing in Achiltibuie
Photo: Peter Drake


Rivers, Burns and Lochs

The fresh water lochs around Achiltibuie hold wild brown trout, sea trout, salmon, ferrox trout and arctic char. Angling permits are readily available for Badentarbet and Inverpolly estates. With the hills of Assynt and Coigach as a backdrop this is a stunning area to fish.

The fishing is mostly fly-only, with lochs fished by the traditional methods from boat or shore. The main waters are the rivers Garvie and Polly and lochs Badagyle, Lurgain and Sionascaig, but there are many other smaller lochs within easy walking distance full of hard fighting wild brown trout. There are some excellent fish and wonderful memories to be caught. Contact our members under “Activities” for more details.

Fishing tickets for Badentarbet and Inverpolly estates are available from Achiltibuie Stores.

For more details of the Badentarbet lochs including permit prices visit


Sea angling

sea angling achiltibuie

From boat, shore or pier, Coigach and the Summer Isles offer great scope for magical fishing trips. All the best species are here, from easy-to-catch mackerel or pollack to cod or skate. The sheltered waters around the Summer Isles and the Coigach peninsula are part of the Wester Ross Marine Protected Area and comprise a huge range of conditions and habitats.

The pier at Badentarbet is a popular place for mackerel fishing and has seen some record breaking skate over the years. Fish estimated at well over 100lb have been caught since the creation of the Wester Ross Marine Protected Area. We are also seeing the welcome return of other species which had become rare in recent times.

No permit is required to fish in the sea but some species are prohibited, licensed or have minimum landing sizes. These include salmon, sea-trout, bass and many shellfish.